Scientific knowledge site
acutecaretesting.org is a Radiometer sponsored scientific knowledge site that combines scientific literature with daily practice on topics relevant to acute care testing
On acutecaretesting.org you will find articles on clinical issues written by international experts and healthcare professionals such as physicians, clinical chemists, point-of-care coordinators, nurses, laboratory professionals and respiratory therapists.
This ensures a high level of quality and relevance on topics surrounding acute care testing.
Check out the acutecaretesting.org knowledge site or sign up for the quarterly acutecaretesting.org newsletter:
Knowledge creating value
Topics covered on acutecaretesting.org:
- Blood gases, electrolytes, glucose, lactate and creatinine
- Cardiac markers, haemostasis/coagulation and sepsis
- Point-of-care testing, process optimisation and information management
- Quality assurance, prevention of preanalytical errors and the analytical process
acutecaretesting.org is often referenced in publications and conferences as a source of information and has more than 27,000 users and over 21,000 subscribers worldwide.
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